Destroy Discrimination
by allancarreon on Mar.18, 2017, under My Life, Queer, Society
Yesterday, I joined a panel of bloggers and social media personalities in a Facebook Live broadcast of Senator Risa Hontiveros. Facilitated by Peruvian-Asian gay celebrity Sebastian Castro and supported by Atty. Jazzy Tamayo of Rainbow Rights, the “Bekitaktakan” was centered around the Anti-Discrimination Bill (ADB), a piece of legislation that would provide protection for a very vulnerable segment of Philippine society: the LGBT community.
The ADB has been languishing in legislation limbo for almost two decades – or at least, the ADB in various forms. The current version is the one that has made it the farthest so far, with a couple of interpellations left after congress went on recess earlier this week. (I shan’t comment further as to the reasons why it got delayed again lest I start throwing large, electrically-live appliances around the room in frustration.)
Regardless of the delays, I choose to see the positive and continue to have high hopes that this will finally pass, particularly with the support of Senator Risa who has a proven track record in productive and relevant output as a legislator.
The ADB is much-needed in our current social climate vis-a-vis the LGBT community. While there have been some positive advances in terms of how LGBT folks are treated today compared to, say, two or three decades ago, we still have a long way to go.
LBGT community members still experience microaggressions and oppression on mainstream as well as social media. LGBT community members still face prejudice at work. LGBT community members still get humiliated and bullied. LGBT community members are still subject to exclusion and segregation.
LGBT community members still get killed simply for being who they are.
And to echo Senator Risa in that moment in Senate a few weeks back when a couple of senators started making homophobic jokes while she was discussing the bill:
“That is why we need this law.”
That sure shut them up.
The ADB, of course, still carries a lot of questions for those who wish to know more about it: what it’s really about, what the misconceptions are, why we should ensure it gets passed into law. Thus, the forum we had with the good senator was a very welcome avenue to reach more people in order to have open conversations about the the bill and educate the Filipino people regarding this significant piece of legislation.
And if you have any questions about the bill but missed the live broadcast, these may have been answered during the session. Jump on in to find out in the full video here:
(And yeah, that’s me who pops up at the 44:04 mark to share my opinion about WTF are the most absurd types of arguments against the bill.)
Congress went into a period of recess earlier this week, and they will reconvene in a couple of months. Hopefully, we would then finally get this moving forward towards success.
#PassADB #LoveEquality

Pre-broadcast BTS with friends: (Top) with Pinoy Travel Whore Bj CT; (Bottom) with Babaylanes, Inc. Executive Director Meggan

Been a fan of Seb since “Bubble.” Great to finally meet him – – and he’s very nice and friendly, too.

Enjoyed being in this panel. I’ve always been a huge supporter of Senator Risa, and I was absolutely thrilled to have finally met her.